Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Accepting Nelly...

Still cannot help putting on another image of Nelly Xiao'En - En means grace ...

We had to have a meeting with the Head of Adoption at Lambeth today, we signed the acceptance letter and now this will be sent back to the DFES so it can be mailed back to China and they can issue us with what is known as an ITT - Invitation to Travel - then it is getting visas etc and then the wait to fly..we think we will be flying on or around the 19th / 20th January to Hong Kong and then fly / seacat onto Guangzhou we will then meet Nelly on the Monday 22nd -

here is the email from the guide!

Sunday you get to Guangzhou, Monday you get the child if we can get the appoitment for Monday, Tuesday have the adoption procedures, Wednesday go to the Police station for the child's passport, Thursday rest, Friday go to the notary to pay the notary fee and get the notary books and check to make sure no mistake, Saturday and Sunday visit in Guangzhou, Monday rest, Tuesday get the child's passport and Wednesday go to the Consulate for the visa in the morning, You can go home on Wednesday afternoon.

stay tuned....


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